mercredi 7 janvier 2015

Help - Looking for Some Direction - Updating Firmware, s-off needed? topic


Hi everyone, I'm Josh and I'm a long time reader of XDA. I'm really struggling with the next steps on my HTC one despite reading ton's of information on XDA and many other sources. I could use some help / clarification.

I recently purchased an HTC One m7 ATT version. I've rooted, installed SuperSU, TWRP and unlocked the phone. I was stuck on choosing a rom but I've hit a new snag. I was going to try ViperOne but noticed they insist you install the latest firmware updates first. Here's where I'm lost. I'm running the stock version that came with my phone when it was locked.
Kitkat 4.4.2, Sense 6
FW# - 5.12.502.2
Hboot - 1.57
Radio - 4m.27.3218.14

I can't seem to get the OTA's, how do you get OTA's, do you have to run official att service sim like gophone? Or can you use straight talk like I currently have? Or do you not even need a sim for OTA's? I don't currently have a sim in the phone, was waiting to get all this sorted first. Will OTA's break root? Would it be beneficial to turn the phone into international version to get OTA's faster and would I lost the 4g lte abilities of phone if I did this?

How do I go about putting these firmware updates on, is s-off required even if you use a signed RUU from "androidruu dot com" for example?
I would like to get the latest official firmware releases on the phone and get it updated to kitkat 4.4.4 from the official releases and then put a custom rom on of my choice.

Is any of this even necessary? Are firmware updates included with the Rom's? How is an RUU different than a rom?

Someone, if possible please help me get this all sorted out, I'm so confused, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

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