samedi 3 janvier 2015

[ME572c] - root & debloat topic


Hi all !

As I couldn't find many information and hacks about the Asus ME572c (K007), I thought I might start by sharing my experience with the device.
For those who are having a hard time to find resources, here are the changes that I could carry out without messing all up :

Rooting the device :
It was fast and easy using the "ROOT ZenFone" app I found on an alternative market (could be on the play store, I didn't checked...) rooted and installed SuperSU in a few minutes, then I pushed in my usual root apps (firewall, explorer, busybox, uninstaller, patcher, ...) and started the bloat-shoot party.

Apps removal :
Once rooted, any (good) root removal app will do, pick your favorite and be careful to what you do : I frightened myself a few times doing those things and I still don't have any backup/recovery procedure besides a factory reset...
You may want to check dependencies before you delete an app and maybe check what's the app for : you may loose functionality you wanted to keep but that I didn't care about...
As I don't use google services I got rid of every google apps except google search (mainly for voice recognition) and maps : so keep in mind that if you want to keep google apps on your pad your may not go as far as I did.

I managed to keep a fully working device and to remove so far :
- all google apps (play store, framework, services,... ) except search & maps
- calendar, contact, phone/mobile applications and providers
- all apps containing "asus" in their name except : ASUS_Air_Status (seems to be needed for GPS) and com.asus.lockscreen (I never touch lockscreen apps : I had a bad experince :crying:), but as it don't seem to be active at any moment, as it's a few kilobyte and even if I don't use any lockscreen : I won't take the risk. By the way, don't remove/freeze "keyguard" as well (will mess with locking/navbar or something else important for the OS...)
- CMclient/DMclient
- intel/widi named apps (screen casting ? not sure), cwsservicemanager, windows/multitasking (dual apps mode)

I'ts nor a detailed or a complete list but just clues to what you may try...
Most of the apps were first frozen, then deleted when no issues were found following few basic tests, but some apps can still run even when freezed (asus apps do that a lot), so pick a good process viewer to see through that. The result is a device which is quick from "power on" to "available", and has few running process letting plenty of resources available (around 600 Mb of memory used at start-up)

Usual tuning :
Whatever the device we have (HTC, Nexus, ...) we all have the usual set of performance enhancing modification we like to apply, here're mines:
- stop logging (logcat & dmesg)
- kernel/ioscheduler/mem/dalvik tuning (many apps to do that)
- disable error check/reporting (along with many other common build.prop modifications you'll find all over the web)
- good task killer / greenify / services, wakelock & autostart editor : no more resources hogging with no reason from the few apps left on the device...

CCL: I got mine since mid-December and I'm pretty happy with the tuning I've done so far : I obtained more and more perfs till it scores over 41 000 at Antutu ( just like my good ole Nexus 5 :silly: ). I don't have a reference mark with stock apps installed, I'll be interested if someone can submit some scores; I'll submit some screenshots with detailed marks in the next posts.

Besides all the removal I've been doing, everything seems to work fine on the hardware side (GPS, bluetooth, sound, ...), I got rid of some software features like dual apps, social networking, or Asus dsp manager (which woks quite well on this device, I may get it back...) bit I'm very happy with the current config.

I think I'll stop my pump-it-up frenzy there before it explodes, and wait for Asus to release Lollipop or if any ROM (I'd love a PAC-Rom) becomes available for this device.

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