mercredi 7 janvier 2015

No Sim Card - Emergency Calls Only Error on Verizon topic


Mostly just browse these forums, and as you can see, don't post often.

Since about 2 weeks after I got my Nexus 6 directly from Motorola, I've been having intermittent issues with my sim card. It varies wildly in time frame. Longest I've gone without the message popping up, and losing connectivity is about a week and a half. I shut the device down, restart, and it's back. Sometimes it happens as frequently as within the same 5 minutes. As you can guess, I'm highly irritated.

First, I called Verizon and they were nice enough to send out a new nano sim. Popped it in an adapter, activated in Galaxy S3, and into the Nexus. Didn't solve anything, but at least I can rule out a faulty sim card.

Second, called Motorola to ask for a replacement. 5 business days later I call to ask where my phone is and I'm told that they don't have any "like-new" stock and that they don't know when they will. I ask for a refund to buy another phone and they say it will be 4-6 weeks.

Can someone smarter than I tell me if this is for sure a hardware issue? I'm guessing it is, and that it's specific to my device since I literally can't find anything on the web/forums about others having this issue with the N6.

Help is much appreciated, thanks.

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