samedi 3 janvier 2015

OnePlus One (Chinese Version) topic


Bought a OnePlus One (Chinese version) from a guy locally and he said it wouldn't work on Mobilicity/Wind Mobile (Toronto, Canada). I have a Fido SIM so when I went to buy it, I tested it and it worked fine for maybe 30 mins. Since then I'm pretty much holding onto a paperweight because I have no reception and for some reason it wouldn't update itself to XNPH25R, which it downloaded on its own. I've gone through MANY forums and read up information but regardless whatever I try, it just doesn't work. The update fails. I've tried downloading the latest software from Cyanogen's website ( but this installation fails as well.

When I try to update using the OTA (XNPH25R) I get the following error message:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/VoicePlus.apk","84a9a87*******************")
E:Error in /cache/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.

At the top I have the following options:
reboot system now
apply update
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition
wipe media

When I try to update using the latest software from Cyanogen, I get the following error:
- - Install /data/media/0/download
Finding update package...
opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:footer is wrong
E:signature verification failed
Installation aborted.


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