samedi 3 janvier 2015

Proximity sensor not registering movement/doesn't turn the screen back on topic


Lately i have been noticing that the proximity sensor on calls on my s5 is not working properly. Once i answer/make a call, when i place the phone in my ear it shuts down the screen but the problem is when i take it away from my ear, the screen doesn't turn back on.

I tried the the testing menus (*#0*# or something like that) and when i placed my finger close to the sensor it detected, going green and vibrating but it doesn't go away from that state.

The only thing that changed was that i applied a glass screen protector a few days ago and im thinking it could be that, but its strange because its only when i back away from the screen that it doesn't register, so i don't know if that or not. Also, the protector is properly aligned and the edges are not on top of the sensor.

Anyone experienced this on their s5?

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