vendredi 2 janvier 2015

[Q] How to free up space on amazon fire tv? topic


Hi all,

I rooted my fire tv. i downgrade firmware and installed CWM, install rbox bootloader, then upgrade pre-rooted firmware by rbox. Now when i check under setting --> system -> about i see 3.61gb free space from 5.49gb available space. I don't have a lot app installed in my rooted fire tv so i didnt think what i have installed would taken up 2gb. Here is what i have installed.

Google play store, kodi, llama, es file explore, busybee box, supersu, chrome, firefox and the whatever was required to gain root access, upgrade and downgrading firmware and whatever app is pre-installed from pre-rooted firmware.

Is there way to check which apps and files are taking up the most space and how do you free up space?

Also, does this sound right that only 3.59gb is left. At one point during my root process when i was pushing file thru adb to downgrade firmware, it took a very long so i exit out of adb (i simply click on "x" bar to close the connection) and started again but i am not sure maybe i installed file 2x. How do i check? How do ensure i don't have any unnecessary file on fire tv internal drive.

Thank you

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