jeudi 8 janvier 2015

[Q] i9505 problems topic



I've been trying to get to the bottom or this for months and months, no clue what to do.

Firstly, no matter what ROM i try, whether it be stock or not, sensors do not work AT ALL. I've tried about 10 ROMs, and no joy.

When i first had my phone, it was on stock 4.3 ROM, and rotation worked fine. after this i upgraded to 4.4.2 OTA and rotation still worked. As soon as i rooted my phone, all sensors died and now i cannot fix them. The phone also has a stupid amount of lag, especially when trying to answer a call. I tried then going back to stock 4.4.2, but the sensors remained broken

I have tried reinstalling Samsung HUB as i found in a few posts on the internet, but again this does nothing at all.

Can someone please please help, any ideas no matter how far-fetched are welcome,.

Thank you in advance.

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