lundi 5 janvier 2015

[Q] Should I buy a new Nook? topic


Now that the HD plus is on the older side and Samsung will be replacing the Nook, I'm trying to decide how to replace my wife's HD+. The screen is cracked and I am sending it in for a SquareTrade replacement.

Do I buy a used one on Swappa for less than 0?
Buy one on ebay knowing I can get another ST warranty, but probably pay a little more?
Buy a newer, better performing tablet?

Other thoughts? I am getting 0 from ST, so I'd like to not go much past that if possible. I know asus and samsung make good quality tablets, but there are so many to choose from.

As a side note, I wouldn't complain if anyone has any thoughts on backing up the data. It'snot rooted.


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