jeudi 8 janvier 2015

[ROM][Manta][5.0.2] *xx.01.2015* CyanogenMod 12 [Official Nightlies] topic


Ok guys, here it is. There are now official CM12 Nightlies for our Nexus 10.

General Info:


CyanogenMod is a free and open source Android distribution that currently supports the Nexus 10.
Detailed information can be found at our wiki

Nexus 10 Specific Info:


Nexus 10 specific install instructions, links to source, and other information can be found on the Nexus 10 CyanogenMod wiki page here.

Who to follow:


To keep up with the latest in development checkout:
CyanogenMod Google+ Community
CyanogenMod Google+

What to Install:


CyanogenMod has several release types: Stable, M series, and Nightlies.
End users are encouraged to installed either the Stable releases or the M series.
Stable releases are not regularly released and are on a "when it is done" basis. The M series are released roughly monthly and are generally stable enough for a daily driver, particularly for Nexus devices.

Nightly builds are part of our automated build system intended to help developers test their code. At any given time there *will* be bugs in the nightly builds. New code is first submitted for peer review at the CyanogenMod gerrit. Because CyanogenMod supports a wide variety of devices, only so many issues can be efficiently caught in the review stage. Once the code is accepted it is then tested on a wider scale in the nightly builds. Since the nightly builds contain such new code, they are not intended for end users.

Reporting Bugs:


Bugs for M series releases should be reported using the CyanogenMod Jira Tracker
Bugs only found in the nightly builds should not be reported in Jira and can be discussed here. In particular, it would be best to keep mostly bug discussion specific to the Nexus 10 in this thread.

  • All what CM has inside;)

  • Translucent Decor

  • PS: Root, knowing as "Privacy Guard", is build in. Look in developer options for it.;)


  • ROM

Thanks to

Google for there newest Firmware
Samsung for there device
Cyanogen Team for there awesome source

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	cyanogen-logo-lollipop.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	93.2 KB<br/>ID:	3104925

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