jeudi 8 janvier 2015

URGENT help needed. XtreStoLite USB problems. topic


Okay. Hi guys.
I'm having some horrible USB connection problems and I've no idea whether they are hardware/software. I'm leaning towards the former.
About a month ago I noticed while plugged into my charger, my phone wasn't charging. Wiggling the cable did little, if anything to help. But it only happened that one day, and after a few beeps and boops of connections coming and going, it had seemed to have fixed itself.

Yesterday I decided to upgrade from XtreStoLite KitKat to XtreStoLite Lollipop. I made a bit of a mess of it and accidentally wiped my entire OS/cache/data before even putting the ROM on the sdcard directory. Fortunately I had already upgraded the modem/bootloader and was able to sideload the ROM.

I say I was able to sideload the ROM successfully, but this is really where the issues started to resurface. The first dozen or so times I tried to sideload I got "ADB not recognized" errors in CMD. I tried all sorts of USB driver re-installations, and installing google USB drivers from the Android SDK etc and nothing was working. Lots of beeps and boops of drivers installing and USB connections being made. In a last ditch attempt, I went back to CMD and once again typed "sideload adb rom.exe" and by some random miracle it worked. But that was the LAST time. I tried again later and got the same error as previously.

Anyway... new ROM installed. I ran through the set-up process and plugged my phone in to transfer over the add-on pack so I could re-activate Samsung Kies connections in order to restore my apps/photos etc.
*B-beep-b-b-b-eep-boop-b-beep* The phone was wildly connecting and disconnecting. I unplug it, blow into the USB connector - try to see any bent pins, but can't see anything. After a few tries I get it to connect long enough for me to transfer the file. Kies reinstalled. Throughout this WHOLE process there has been FAR too many disconnects.

If I DO get my phone to connect - Kies is stuck eternally on "connecting". I have a feeling MTP mode is just broken - as NOTHING shows up in My Computer when in that mode. Odin 3.09 no longer sees my phone at all, and when I connect in Camera mode NONE of the .zip files I placed in the sdcard directory show in Windows at all. But they ARE there, as I can still install from .zip in recovery.

The phone seems to work fine. But I want to restore my Kies backup, add/remove the .zips in the main sdcard directory, and see my phone in Odin.
Please help me. I am scared.

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