mercredi 7 janvier 2015

Weloop Tommy Smartwatch (FAQ and News) topic


The purpose of this thread is to have all information regarding the Weloop Tommy, fresh and to the point.
I decided to create this thread because the review thread of the Tommy was getting long, and it was getting difficult to find the information people might need. Bear in mind that this is thread is a work on progress (and my first of this kind since joining in 2008 :) ), I will try to update it as frequently as possible.
(i am not affiliated with Weloop)


Q:What is the latest firmware?
A: Latest firmware is V3.18 (7th january 2015)

Q: What is the latest App version
A: iOS version 2.078; Android version 1.27.3645b

- ios (ios user please use safari browser on device)
- android

Q: When is the next app update
A: Weloop app 3.0 january release
According to the forum a new weloop app will be released the 30th of january.
the extensive update will have,
– better health monitoring
– profiles
– sleep monitoring
– more alarms weekdays/weekend
– and more.
(see attached pictures for app version 3.0 UI improvements

Q: i can not update my watch its stuck
A: Have you tried to reset the watch? (connect cable and press all three right buttons at once) / Delete BT connection from Phone and start over

Attached Thumbnails

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Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	007.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	180.7 KB<br/>ID:	3102830

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