vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Any Kitkat ROM Available Or Buildable? topic


Am I the last person who doesn't want a smartphone without a hardware keyboard?

My phone is permanently rooted and running Supreme Sense ROM. Since Kit-Kat is supposedly "old" phone friendly, I would like to try it.

The only page I found that gives instructions is here. It recommends using fastboot to install RUU-HTC EVO Shift but there is no link to that file.

When I go to HTCdev. com I see there are 3 files for the HTC One Google Edition with that version number that support kitkat 4.4.

Carrier, Region, Type

Google,WWE, MR
Open Market, Google WWE, Framework Support Files
Open Market, Google WWE, Stock UI

I am wondering if one of those has been modified for speedy or if the site is trying to say one of the HTC One Google Edition files will work?

My desktop meets the specs to build android. Any other ideas for a path to kitkat?

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