samedi 6 décembre 2014

best game controller for fire tv? topic


I have read various threads online and here, but curious on a few things

1. What is the best controller to use?

2. Can a game controller and the fire remote work at the same time.

I am contemplating just getting the fire game controller, but have also thought maybe the ouya controller would be a good choice.

I mainly want to use it with RCB to play roms, but would also occasionally like to play some actual games on the fire tv too.

Mainly I use my fire tv for xbmc, pandora and netflix only. I don;t use any amazon videos etc on it.

My fire tv is rooted. I have read that if you use six axis that it disables the fire remote, is that correct?

I need to keep the system wife and kid friendly, and don;t want to get phone calls telling me they cannot remote control it with the remote.

Thanks for any help and insights into it.

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