dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Differences between Lollipop Roms topic


We have 4 different Lollipop Roms. It's fantastic, thanks to the developers.
  1. [ROM][5.0.2][LOLLIPOP][i9300]RESURRECTION REMIX 5.2.5[CM12-BASED]

  2. [WIP] [Beta 1] [2014-12-22] CyanogenMod 12 for i9300

  3. [ROM][5.0.2][SemiNightlies][22-12]Liquidsmooth Lollipop 4.0 B1

  4. [ROM][5.0.2][Lollipop][Official] NamelessROM 2.0 [ALPHA] [20141227]

Could somebody list what are the main differences between them?
Which one do you use and why?

Thanks and happy New Year in advance!

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