samedi 20 décembre 2014

[GUIDE] how to deodex any app without pc(fully working)(any android) topic


Hi guys,
This is my first guide here on XDA
it's about deodexing any app without pc and with mobile apktool

Busybox installed
Mobile apktool properly installed (link below)

How to deodex any app:
1. Root your device
2. Install busybox
3. Install mobile apktool properly
4. Now copy the apk and the odex ob that app to the same folder
3. Make sure that the name of the apk and odex are the same
4. Decompile the odex
5. Now do nothing and just recompile it
6. It will recompile in dex format
7. Again make sure that the name of both the apk and dex(not odex) are the same
8. Now click on the dex and select "add to apk with same name"
9. All done, follow this and you can deodex any app in minutes


All the credits goes to the developer of mobile apktool

It will definitely work on any android, post here if you face any problem while following this guide

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