samedi 20 décembre 2014

[Theme] [4.4.2+] •Flatisan• Theme topic


This is my first Xperia Theme[icons not included]. I wanted to make something beautiful and yet familiar. Inspiration was taken from Knowit Mobile AB's Triflat and Google's material design.

The theme is currently still being made and I consider it to be in the alpha stage. Currently I have only tested it on my Z1 as its the only phone I own (not rich lol).

This means that it most likely work on 1080p phones, I don't know you tell me.

Edit: Must be Rooted and have superuser Mod
Just install like normal apk

Alpha v0:

Build of the day:



Added Buttons Theme.
Changed bottom bar
Changed Settings Search Icon

Build of the Day are the last builds I do before going to bed. These may have more bugs than the alpha and are purely to see what you like and what you don't and for those curious of what I am up to concerning the theme.

Please don't forget to hit thanks

@Ayush Singh for awesome tutorial:
@SArnab©® for awesome tutorial:

Sony - used their Little Big Planet theme for reference

Google - for Material Color Palette

StopScreamingGraphy for ze amazzzzing walzz: http://stopscreamgraphy.deviantart.c...aper-310326421

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We are Creative Blogger Theme Wavers which provides user friendly, effective and easy to use themes. Each support has free and providing HD support screen casting.

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