dimanche 21 décembre 2014

HTC One M8, Sensor Hub partition dead topic


Hello everyone,

since 2 days im trying to restore my M8 too stock. I tried all ways, via RUU, nandroid backups etc. I always flashed the firmwares, made sure I did everything the way it is supposed to be.
But every flash ends with the same ending: Either the phone wont boot into android at all, or all sensors and the camera wont work.
When i open the camera app, there is a black screen displayed for like 4 secs, and then im straight back at the home screen. I can see the shutter button, but nothing happens when i press it.
Furthermore, no sensor works. Orientation is dead, proximity, light, everything. There is also a 2 sec delay between pressing the power button and the screen coming to life.

After doing everything again step by step i discovered something, that might cause everything. While flashing the firmware, the CMD gives me following lines: (cut-out)

(bootloader) start image[sbl1-2] unzipping & flushing...
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sbl1-2,0
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sbl1-2,100
(bootloader) signature checking...
(bootloader) verified fail
(bootloader) ..... Bypassed
(bootloader) current_image_number=6

(bootloader) start image[sbl1-3] unzipping & flushing...
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sbl1-3,0
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sbl1-3,100
(bootloader) signature checking...
(bootloader) verified fail
(bootloader) ..... Bypassed
(bootloader) current_image_number=7

(bootloader) start image[sbl1-4] unzipping & flushing...
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sbl1-4,0
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sbl1-4,100
(bootloader) signature checking...
(bootloader) verified fail
(bootloader) ..... Bypassed
(bootloader) current_image_number=8

(bootloader) start image[sensor_hub] unzipping & flushing...
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sensor_hub,0
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sensor_hub,100
(bootloader) ..... Bypassed
(bootloader) current_image_number=9

(bootloader) start image[sp1] unzipping & flushing...
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sp1,0
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sp1,99
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sp1,100
(bootloader) [RUU]WP,sp1,0
(bootloader) [RUU]WP,sp1,100
(bootloader) ...... Successful
(bootloader) current_image_number=10

as you can see, the RUU for the sensor hub isnt flashed how it should be. The CMD even stops for like 5 secs after displaying

(bootloader) start image[sensor_hub] unzipping & flushing...
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sensor_hub,0
(bootloader) [RUU]UZ,sensor_hub,100

After 5 secs, it continues with the line

(bootloader) .... bypassed

Is there some way to get the sensor hub working again? Im rly clueless and would be very happy if someone could help me!

Thank You!

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