dimanche 21 décembre 2014

[Q] Pairing my Gear S with HTC One didn't work as intended at all topic


Hello guys,

So, i just bought a Samsung Gear S for my HTC One, and yes i know this is not 100% fully working, but i'll get a Samsung Alpha in few months.
Well, i followed your tutoriels and guides, and nothing went as planned.

The most embarassing thing is that i can't acces the Samsung Gear Store : is this a normal thing ? Or did i just mess up somewhere ?
Surprinsingly, S Voice function works 100%. I can't control my music tho. And the phone calls works very fine.

So, do you guys have any idea how i could fix this store issue ? Cause i would like to install something like Opera Mini or some other apps.

Thank you for reading, and sorry for my poor english :D

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