jeudi 11 décembre 2014

Need assistance/info with bricked shield tablet topic


Received a shield tablet through a promotion my company was doing with nvidia, decided to try it out. (pointing this out ahead of time to let the 'just return it' people know that I cant and am stuck with it.) upon finally deciding to boot it up a couple months later, it booted into the bootloader menu instead of booting like normal. then when choosing to boot would boot into a very stripped version of android with few apps, tegra services repeatadly crashing, no app store/play/etc . I wanted to have the proper out of the box experience nvidia intended, so decided to hunt down a stock factory image to flash to it to just resolve the issue and start from scratch with my new tablet. was able to flash recovery/boot/system/userdata/etc via fastboot. upon restarting, screen went black and wouldnt start. plugged in to computer, device manager says "APX" and that's it. with unknown device/driver icon. if I power it off all the way and plug it back in it just goes back to saying "APX" with a "?" in device manager.

how can I get it out of this mode and booting so I can finally try this thing out? have tried diff combos including bootloader/recovery mode button presses at boot time and nothing works, goes back to the same thing. I've also seen mention about nvflash and some other things when looking into this, but nothing solid on where I get the program, how im supposed to use it to fix my device.


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