dimanche 7 décembre 2014

[Q] Bootloop after replace framework and system UI topic


Hello there, my nexus 4 just got bootloop after replaced framework-res.apk and systemui.apk I forgot to make the permissions r-w-r-r.

For not loosing data, what I do is try to push the original framework & systemui APK file via adb push. And it's still not worked.
My list of command is:
adb devices
adb root
adb mount -o rw,remount /system (because It's said the file read only)
adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework/
adb chmod 0644 /system/framework/framework-res.apk (changing the permission to r-w-r-r)
adb push SystemUI.apk /system/priv-apps/SystemUI
adb chmod 0644 /system/priv-apps/SystemUI.apk
adb mount -o ro,remount /system
adb reboot
Did all of my command is right? Please CMIIW.
My phone still stucked at bootanimation. Have been waiting for a long time. Please help me instead tell me to use fastboot (the last option). Any help reply would be appreciated. Thanks.

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