samedi 20 décembre 2014

[Q] Can't Boot Up Stock ROM. Stuck topic


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eMMC-bot 2048MB
Apr 22 2014, 01:10:58.0

HTC One (M7) AT&T

Above is my information on my phone when booting up into the fastboot, recovery, factory reset, etc menu

I don't have an OS as well

Now the problem I have here is that I can't load my stock ROM when rebooting. I already loaded up a ZIP file of the specific stock ROM that I'm suppose to be on but nothing happens when on command prompt!
This is what happens:

>fastboot flash zip
target reported max download size of 1514139648 bytes
sending 'zip' (1245080 KB)...
OKAY [ 57.277s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: 12 signature verify fail)
finished. total time: 180.581s

Very frustrating especially with the fact that there isn't a EXE file version so I can't go and try that way either. Running out of options. Hoping somebody here to diagnosis this situation

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