mardi 30 décembre 2014

[Q] Custom ROM w/screen rotation? topic



Thanks for reading this, I recently was given Google Glass XE-C for Christmas (yes they went WAY overboard).
I'm disabled and my family thought it would be something I could use to operate in-conjunction with my Note 3. Anyhow, they forgot to take into consideration that my right-eye is nearly useless *sigh*

So I've poked around and see quite a bit of talk about a left-eye version. Of course we're not there yet.
I have two thoughts, I was thinking of flipping the internal projector so wearing glass upside down would display it right side up for my left eye, thoughts?

Now that these devices are out in the wild, might there be some custom roms that could flip the screen content on its head, so then turning glass upside down for the left eye usage, it would be usable?

Thanks - if none of these are possible I suppose its off to eBay with them.

Happy new year

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