vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] Galaxy s3 stucked at logo screen topic


Hi all.

I´m new here. Speaking from Brazil!

I´ve just got an S3 stucked at the logo screen and I´ll detail all info and what I´ve already done.

The battery was bloated. I´ve changed for a new one.
The animation blue lines around the Samsung word come but the little music starts but stops at the middle. Finally the word Samsung stays at the screen forever.
The phone´s onwer said that the battery was ending very fast and charging fast as well.
And sometimes the phone stucked at the logo screen, but it´s just take the battery off and it started normaly.

What I´ve done:
1. wipe data / factory reset | wipe data cache
2. flashed stock rom with odin 3.09, 3,07 and 3,04
3. flashed an older stock rom with all 3 odim versions
4. flashed clockworkmod and steps 2 and 3 again

nothing. always the same.
I´m wondering whether the battery issue did somthing to the hardware.

Any help, hint, light, pathways...?
Thanks a lot!!

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