samedi 13 décembre 2014

[Q] How can i install apps in a custom rom topic


i have the lgg3 vs985 and would like to get the lg quick remote to a custom rom that runs kitkat like CM

i also see they finely came out with android 5.0 and it looks like its going to be different to push an app to the system folder so can anyone tell me how to push an app on lollipop please?

i have the lg quick remote apk and its odex files copied from my stock rom, how can i install it on there without crashing

i tried taking the files to system/app and set its permissions to rw-r-r, i boot into recovery and wipe dalvik cache and reboot my phone, when i go to starting up the app it crashes. i get that unfortunately lgquck remote stooped working

same goes for when i put the app in system/pri-app, thanks for the help

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