samedi 20 décembre 2014

[Q] Is SlimRom a good choice for privacy-consious users? topic


  • Stock ROMs aren't really trustworthy by default (e.g.,

  • Some manufacturers' devices aren't really trustworthy, even with stock ROMs removed (e.g.,

  • Cyanogenmod went donwhill:


    We may collect information such as occupation, language, zip code, area code, unique device identifier, location, and the time zone where your product or device is used so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our products, services, and advertising.

    (from They started on this path long ago, but I won’t go there now.

I would like to buy a new Android phone. I won’t have national secrets on it, but I still don't want any Google-style spying. Assuming I don't add GApps, is SlimRom a good choice for me? Does it respect the privacy of its users? Does it contain any components that would ever connect anywhere to trunsmit any information like GApps do. Obivously, I'm not talking about user initiated events.

One more thing, does it have a permission manager? Ideally, something that allows the user to choose for each permission for each apps whether real, fake or blank data is shared, but a bit cleaner than XPrivacy.


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