vendredi 26 décembre 2014

[Q] Memup SlidePad 704ce, livesuit flashing issue! topic


Hello everyone!
First of all I'd like to apologize if I posted this thread in the wrong place.
So I've been facing a very disturbing problem lately when I tried to flash my memup slidepad 704ce's firmware back using livesuit (1.07 , 1.11 & 1.12), each time i try to flash my .img file i get 0x162 error.
Currently am stuck since there no recovery on this tablet and then my lock screen has reached the maximum allowed tries.
I would like to know if there any universal firmware that I could potentially use to bring my tab back to life!
or if there anybody has the original firmware to share with me.
Note: the memup website is down, the company no longer exist!
Any help would be greatly appreciated, have a nice day!

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