mercredi 24 décembre 2014

[Q] Only PhilZ recovery can access partitions topic


I upgraded from SynergyROM r484 (4.1.2) to LiquidSmooth 3.0 (5.0) and really love the responsiveness of this ROM, but the camera bug is a deal breaker for me. I tried to go back to SynergyROM, but now I can't seem to access any partitions with any recovery except PhilZ, and Aroma can't access anything either. For example, first 2 errors using TWRP are


Unable to find partition size for '/boot'
Primary block device '/dev/block/mmcblk0p15' for mount point '/data' is not present!'

followed by a slew of other errors. I can Odin back to stock no problem, but I really want to install SynergyROM which uses Aroma. I've tried flashing all kinds of firmwares, bootloaders, modems, recoveries, and ROMs to no avail. Any help? I'll be happy to provide more details upon request.

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