vendredi 19 décembre 2014

test topic


X-Note v3 PORTED International Custom Rom
This X-Note v3 Custom Rom is based on the Samsung
Note 4 N910F 4.4.4 NK4 Touchwiz Kitkat firmware.

Please Note: This is a snapdragon PORT from the international
Note 4 forum and this is an DEODEX

For best results please be sure to read the following
important instructions and do a full and "complete"
wipe before flashing.
If you don't, please blame yourself for any issues you might have like bootloops,
fc's and getting stuck on the boot up screen if you do a dirty flash
or if you don't follow the following instructions.
Here are some important instructions to follow after flashing this rom
#1:Once you are done flashing and you see the initial setup
screen wait about three or four minutes before doing anything.
#2: Power down the phone using the power button then power it back on.
#3: Now you can start the normal initial setup just like any other roms you have flashed.
#4: After you have flashed the rom DON'T install or flash anything for an hour or more so you will
be able top tell if the rom is working properly. (Especially Exposed Framework and it's modules)
#5: Don't flash any firmware, modems, bootloaders or kernels which are not designed for N910T.
__________________________________________________ _____

If you have any rom related questions or want to read the FULL details about this rom then please
soloilmeglio's link and while you're there buy him a beer.

There you'll find a lot of very detailed, useful and interesting information about this excellent rom.
All of your questions will be answered in that
thread if you read the OP
There you will also see a lot of really nice screen
shots of this rom for your viewing pleasure.

... Notice ...
If you need the official N910T NF4 Odin flash firmware
it can be found at:
Check out all the features of this rom.

This rom has a lot more features and customizations
than any other Note 4 rom I have seen so far.

-Deodexed, zipaligned, rooted, busybox
-Show-hide sfinder and quick connect buttons in notification panel
-Xnote Lolli tw launcher theme
-X-Note AOSP Plus tw launcher theme
-New dropdown themes 10 material design backgrounds , switch with xnote app
-X-Transformer app, new layout, material design like, simple navigation mod
-Popup browser by xperiacle
-Smart scroll mode enabled (xnote app)
-Lockscreen view selection: clock only - clock + personal message (xnote app)
-Keyboard hidden settings enabled: pen track customization (xnote app)
-X-Note app updated with all the new features
-Full multi dpi support incall screen and popup incall window
-No increasing ringtone
-10 max windowed app opened instead of 5
-Remapping menu and home key -
-Enabled all locked samsung features (xnote app) - Airview with finger (fully working),
-Removed - quick connect buttons + sfinder buttons layout in notification panel
-Xtransformer app v2, NEW densities
-Dropdown panel clock
-Removed - quick connect buttons + sfinder buttons layout in notification panel
-Custom StatusBar image background
-Custom Droppanel image background (12 images selection)
-Dropdown panel clock custom color
-Glance view support
-Enabled installation of 3rd part apk from first boot
-Fully patched multi dpi play store, support all density
-Galaxy s5 one hand mode with favourite apps bar and contacts bar
-Added Monblanc exclusive content
-Many apps moved to data partition to allow easy uninstall
-Working private mode
-300 fonts included
-Studio app accessible from launcher
-Disabled signature check by default
face unlock feature
-Viper for android audio mod included
-Three sound boost levels accessible with xnote app
-Totally rewritten X-Note control app... now the navigation is done with swipeable tabs.
-Unlocked floating multiwindow for all app (+ double window + quad window)
-Unlocked multi instance support for all apps
-Unlocked the scale feature (from the screen top angle) for all apps
-Multiwindow key for all apps in the recent view screen
-Multi DPI fully supported
-TW launcher switcher, two different grid available
-Added new options in settings:
-Enable all hidden settings widgets
-Unlimited Contacts Joining, SMS/MMS
-Save And Restore Text Messages Using The Messaging App
-Group Conversations In Stock Messaging App
-Messaging App Screen On/Off Toggle
-Messaging App Split-View Mode
-Lockscreen Select AOSP - Samsung
-Power menu customizable
-Show/hide reboot menu title bar
-Stock and X-note theme
-Double tap on status bar to turn off the screen
-Advanced Battery bar fully customizable
-Customized network Traffic Meter
-Customizable toggles
-Torch toggle - X-Note toggle - Xtransformer Toggle
many hidden samsung toggles
-Air gesture toggle (longpress on it to access to air gesture settings)
-Clock fully customizable
-18 available date format: dd-mm-yyyy / EEEE-mm-dd-yyyy
-Customized Dropdown panel
-Show/Hide sfinder - quick connect buttons + top sfinder button in notification panel
-All languages included

Pre-installed additonal applications:

Holo 4 Way Reboot Powermenu
(no more need to use the power button)
ES File Explorer
Adaway (newest version)
My Roll Gallery
Antutu Benchmark
Firefox Browser
Dophin Browser
Chrome Browser
Full Screen Build in Caller ID.
Surround Sound built-in
Go Launcher
Nova Launcher
ScreenOff widget
Home Switcher
Battery Doctor
Clean Master
Weather Widget

Here are some sample screen shots



Click here to DOWNLOAD the X-Note v3 custom rom

New FAST Mediafire download link for all my XDA fans!
Be sure to make a nandroid backup before flashing this rom or any other roms,

mods, themes or add-ons just in case something unexpected happens.

Here is a direct download link for TWRP recovery in case you need it:
TWRP custom recovery N910T v2.8.1.1
Flash this TAR file using the same odin as you flashed cf-autoroot.
Here is a direct download link for cf-autoroot in case you need that:
Cf-autoroot N910T
Unzip into an empty folder and odin flash the .md5 file with the included odin in this zip.
:o As usual always give credit where credit is due :o

@soloilmeglio and @xentrix for all their hard work creating this rom

@turilo - For all his tireless work and effort creating the signal and data fix for N910T

@sshafranko - For the very best audio mod "Emulated Surround Sound"

@Chainfire - CF-Autoroot - The easiest and best way to root.

Bigbiff - TWRP the best custom recovery available

@dr.ketan - for his full screen caller id mod

@friedrich420 - AEL kernel developer (the best)

@zhuhang - Viper4Android developer - audio mod, visit his thread here:

!!! ENJOY !!!

Click this "PayPal " link if you think I deserve a couple of beers.
Before you leave please don't forget to click the friendly "THANKS" button! __________________________________________________ _________
;) Welcome to my PORTED ROM thread! ;)

Here in my thread everyone is welcome to post other rom names,
links and any other useful or helpful information about any roms.

Please don't post poster sized screenshots, they are not helpful.

Any developer who would like to use this ported international rom
as a base to build their own custom ported rom is welcome to do so.
:p All I ask is the credit :p

Please use your good judgment when you post and try not to break too
of xda's terms of service, rules and agreements.

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