mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Verizon Edge - Note 4 Newbie topic


Greetings and Merry Xmas! Quick question for those familiar with the Verizon Edge program - I recently took advantage of the Note 4 deal for 9. Since I've been a Verizon customer for years and never plan on changing (unless North Korea hacks them and ruins the service), I went with the Edge deal, paying /month.

Coming from an iPhone 5S, I'm noticing that there were some things I really took for granted, which I'm unable to do on the Note (e.g. One-handed texting, dialing, etc) I know this is possible with some settings adjustments, but the larger size makes it cumbersome. Don't get me wrong, as a tech lover, this thing is awesome. Definitely one of the best phones out there overall.

That aside, if I decide I need to switch back to my iPhone or another (smaller) Android device - is it possible to re-active my old phone to my line without any penalty? Also, if I'm able to do this, doesn't that also mean that I could technically sell my Note 4 on the private market for several hundred beans without any impact to my monthly billing?

Thanks in advance!

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