vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Xperia M (single sim) C1905 cant flashed on flashtool and root not working topic


Hi guys... I have a serious problem with My Xperia M.. I wanna ask something

1. This is about when i'm flashing XM firmware 15.A.9....... Yeah The new update.. Im using flashtool but it always stuck at flashing data and 0% :(( please help me what The problem is... Waiting 30minutes but nothing change. My battery is 99% and I had installed adb and driver for XM... Usb debugging have been ticked. I dunno whats wrong..

2. And also finally Im going To pc companion and update My phone and now succeded but... My root permission has gone. I wanna unroot but nothing change.. But The status of phone still on root. But I cant get The permission. Please help me Thanks.... :D

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