vendredi 2 janvier 2015

[ALPHA] Cyanide-L for d2tmo (5.0.2 Lollipop) topic


So I have successfully gotten Cyanide working on the T999.

A few notes before install.

Thanks to rogersb11 for the Cyanide ROM, TheGeekyNimrod for the d2att port, without which I could not have done this, and leonid002, because without his assistance, I would not have even known how to do this to begin with.

First let's discuss the bugs:
The AOSP Keyboard will continuously crash on you from the first boot. Make sure you have ES File Explorer and a Google keyboard APK at the ready. Install Google keyboard, then disable your AOSP keyboard. One this is done your keyboard will work just fine.

The phone will self report as the i747, that is where this ROM came from. As soon as I find what I need to change to fix that, I will update.

I believe the camera bug is still here, havent tested it yet, so just download Nexus camera from the Play store.

Other than that, works great so far.

Anyway, now it is time for the... Wait for it...


Despite the quality of this ROM, it is an ALPHA build.
Neither I, or any developer is responsible if you brick your device in any way, you're neighbor steals it, your nephew flushes it down the toilet, or you somehow travel back in time to an alternate 2012 where the world comes to an end in December, resulting in your phone being destroyed. Any damage to your device is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

You should be able to use any current Lollipop gapps with this ROM.

Download ROM below
Install a recovery if you don't have one (I use TWRP Multiboot, found in this same forum)
Factory reset (wipe Dalvik, cache, you know the drill)
Install the ROM (link below)
Install Gapps
Reboot into Cyanide
Install Google keyboard (or maybe your favorite alternative, SwiftKey works, not sure about anything else yet)
Disable AOSP Keyboard


XDA:DevDB Information
Cyanide-L Alpha d2tmo, ROM for the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S III

reeferbob, leonid002, TheGeekyNimrod
Source Code:

ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop

Version Information
Status: Testing

Created 2015-01-02
Last Updated 2015-01-02

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