Hi guys this is a tutorial on how to port roms for Xperia E1
Keep in mind that Sound, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Calling is not working (This is due to the stock ROM's KK version is 4.4.2, while CM's is 4.4.4)
Everything else seems working, Minecraft, GTA San Andreas, etc. etc..
Search for a phone that has the same motherboard, as the Xperia E1 MSM8210(MSM8610)
In this case, I downloaded an Andromax C2 CarbonROM
Phones with MSM8210/8610 chipset: Motorola Moto E, Andromax C2, ZTE Open C, ZTE Concord II
First you have to backup your current ROM using nandroid in the Recovery.
Without this step you won't be able to access the files which are needed to port
(If someone insists, I will upload the required files which are needed to port)
1. Go to the PORT Rom and navigate to /system/framework/
2. Find and drop framework-res.apk to the Desktop
3. Rename the framework-res.apk to framework-res.rar (or framework-res.zip If you don't have WinRaR)
4. Open the framework-res and navigate to /res/xml/
5. Copy and paste the storage_list.xml you downloaded from here
6. Close the rar/zip and rename it to framework-res.apk and put it back to /system/framework/
7. Go tohttp://forum.xda-developers.com/xper...ia-e1-t2941831 and download the Recovery (If you already have it skip this step)
8. Put the boot.img in the root of the port's directory

9. Go to recovery and wipe cache, dalvik, media, data (everything)
10. Flash the zip
If you did it correctly, by now you should see the CM/AOSP logo

Enjoy! Hit Thanks If it was helpful!
Keep in mind that Sound, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Calling is not working (This is due to the stock ROM's KK version is 4.4.2, while CM's is 4.4.4)
Everything else seems working, Minecraft, GTA San Andreas, etc. etc..
Search for a phone that has the same motherboard, as the Xperia E1 MSM8210(MSM8610)
In this case, I downloaded an Andromax C2 CarbonROM
Phones with MSM8210/8610 chipset: Motorola Moto E, Andromax C2, ZTE Open C, ZTE Concord II
First you have to backup your current ROM using nandroid in the Recovery.
Without this step you won't be able to access the files which are needed to port
(If someone insists, I will upload the required files which are needed to port)
1. Go to the PORT Rom and navigate to /system/framework/
2. Find and drop framework-res.apk to the Desktop
3. Rename the framework-res.apk to framework-res.rar (or framework-res.zip If you don't have WinRaR)
4. Open the framework-res and navigate to /res/xml/
5. Copy and paste the storage_list.xml you downloaded from here
6. Close the rar/zip and rename it to framework-res.apk and put it back to /system/framework/
7. Go tohttp://forum.xda-developers.com/xper...ia-e1-t2941831 and download the Recovery (If you already have it skip this step)
8. Put the boot.img in the root of the port's directory
9. Go to recovery and wipe cache, dalvik, media, data (everything)
10. Flash the zip
If you did it correctly, by now you should see the CM/AOSP logo
Enjoy! Hit Thanks If it was helpful!
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