mercredi 7 janvier 2015

Tips to Avoid Battery Drain! topic


Hi fellas i recently been testing a few roms and of course everyone out here is complaining about the battery life, almost the 45% of the user have a bad experience with it. and i saw that we were a little bit lost about how to preserve our battery and this below was something that i have test and other people has test and its work for all of them so now im sharing with you this with the community, i have collect some of this solution around some places and now they are here all in one place. hope you like it.
(this can work with any Phone with a rom based on android 4.4+ or lollipop and Remember to check your battery and how much mA has your battery.)

Here we go....

Well i have a I9190 and i been working on the battery life with this phone for almost one year since i bought it, look the first you need to know (and sadly is the worst thing about this phone) is the battery, for some reason the battery gets hot when you play or use Facebook over 3G networks and even when you are not using it, it might for the processor remember our cellphone have a powerful processor dual core 1.7 ghz and it will run ass hell.

From what i have done to get a better battery life with this phone (i love this phone for that reason i still have it), you can try this.

1. Use Greenfy ITS THE ONLY APP IN THE PLAY STORE WHO REALLY DO SOMETHING WITH THE BATTERY LIFE WHY? is hibernate these apps like Facebook and other who runs in background eating your battery, (do not greenfy whatsapp or messegner you may not receive messages, but its work very good for me!

2. the next thing ( as i mention before the mess with 3G network) try to use 2G network you will see a remarkable battery save.

3. you can try a processor manager to control the processor and set it up to run at 1.4 GHz or 1.3 GHz and in that way your processor will not use more power from battery(remember you could experience some lags few times).

4. if you are using this rom Lollipop Rom Port use the power saving mode and disable the CPU Performance to get a better results!

5. Sync Options are pretty good but the sync option its running 24/7 so its mean your cellphone will be transferring data all day, you can turn it off but... if you will have to enable it to sync your contacts info and phone number that your recently save(you can lose data like number is this feature is off and you do not sync your stuff manually, and emails will not reach you till you check the app or turn on the sync option)

6. Wifi, for me wifi is a battery saver, why? i have test my phone over a wifi network all day and i get 19-22 hours that is pretty a lot, so wifi can help you to have better battery life at work or a place where you can get a wifi network.
for me the most comun problem could be the sync option, but as i said before there some things to think about it before turn it off.
if you have any question about my results and research about how to get a better battery results PM or skype!
See ya!

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