jeudi 8 janvier 2015

[Guide] Customize nokia x launcher topic


Are you stock rom user and feel bored with stock launcher.
why don't you make it more beautiful by read this little guide.

well, you can decompile Launcher.apk to edit anything you want but I won't explain this. we will use two module exposed, resflux and holo themer (root access is needed). Check this out!

-Change color tile with your own color
open resflux> go to laboratory> find Launcher> tap color and there are so many resource
What should be changed:

icon_bg_gray (setting)
folder_bg (folder)
Done, reboot

-Set background image on Launcher
open resflux> go to laboratory> find Launcher> tap color> find "Black" and make it transparent. I will use #00000001 for full transparent. Don't reboot, now move to holo themer.
Open holo themer> find Launcher> tap and change default to user wallpaper (don't choose "user wallpaper no titlebar" or you will get "Launcher has stopped"). Okay, reboot

Is it possible to use live wallpaper?

-yes, but only homescreen

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