samedi 3 janvier 2015

[Index] Roms/Kernels/Recoveries/Tools/N910F topic


This thread provides an index of all development for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Snapdragon). Here you will find links to roms/kernels/recoveries/tools for the international (N910F) variant.
The thread will be kept up to date, however, if something is missing do please pm the details and I will add it in asap. As usual all credit goes to the original developers.



[trltexx][N910F][CWM Advanced Edition] PhilZ Touch - No further updates
[SM-N910F] TWRP Recovery v2.8.1.0 - Stable version, v2.8.3.0 is currently under development and can be found here
but please read the thread as it was originally posted for the exynos variant.


Touchwiz based roms

[ROM][N910F]X-Note Build 3.0 NK4 [ONLINE][17/12/2014]
Devs: Soloilmeglio - Xentrix
Last Updated: 17/12/2014

N4 Echoe Rom v2 (NK4)
Devs: Friedrich420, 4aces, Acer4605, Darkwing_X, jds3118, roy72, sanoc69, sjamajee, skeamznz, speedwayfan75, stoerte, YukiChan456
Last Updated: 23/11/2014

[NK4] Dr Ketan Custom ROM V2.0 (Odexed)
Devs: dr.ketan
Last Updated: 08/12/2014

[ROM][Kernel][Oct 27, 2014][V1.0][NJ4 Base] 6thGearROM with 2Stroke Kernel for N910F
Devs: daxgirl, wuby986
Last Updated: 27/10/2014

[ROM][NOTE4][N910F][NK5]{~BoBCaTROM~ v.2.0 ~}[OTA Update]
Devs: BoBCatRoM
Last Updated: 27/12/2014

[Rom] Super.Fast&Famous™[PART.1.0] [N910F] [N910G] [NK4] [26/12]
Devs: IZI.Xav, Team IZI® - GNT
Last Updated: 26/12/2014

[N910F&G]Emotion Revolution Note IV Vr2 Multi Dpi [20 DEC]
Devs: motomorini, rimgoru, aukhan, ivanebdesign, pafcholini, jcanonico, varoo 10
Screenshots - none provided
Last Updated: 26/12/2014

[xxu1ank5]n910f[prerooted] - Flashable, prerooted stock rom, latest FW
Devs: GigilinE
Last Updated: 31/12/2014

AOSP Based Roms

[ROM][N910F] Unofficial CM-12.0 for 910F Note 4. (trltexx) - rom is in alpha stage, however, many are using the 25/12/2014 build as a daily driver
Devs: Preaper, gekkehenkie11, slayher, fattire
Last Updated: 29/12/2014
Development Thread - Great read!



Please ensure to read carefully all thread instructions to avoid any negative consequences such as soft bricking etc

[TOOL]SmartDebloater v3[Windows][N910F/U/H/T/C][14-12-14] - Utilise this tool to 'de-bloat' your TW/Stock based rom prior to flashing

( Recovery Zip ) Bloatware Guard 1.1.3 - Utilise this tool to 'de-bloat' your existing installation

Thread last updated: 02/01/2015

Thankyou to all the above developers for making XDA what it is!

If you appreciate this thread then hit up the thanks button for warm fuzzy feels :highfive:

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