mercredi 7 janvier 2015

[Q] Permission denied on complex shell script topic


I'm porting a script that runs well on android 4.0.4 to android 4.4.2

Simplified it does this:


ls *.a | ./busybox xargs ./busybox rm -f

I'm using a busybox binary in mi app's folder (/data/data/com.myapp.bla/)

The error I'm getting is:


    xargs: ./busybox: Permission denied

However, if I run


./busybox rm -f x.a

it works.

I'm rooted and can execute simple commands as root, the problem is when a comand has a nested command inside.

same thing happens with rsync -e.

I've tested this on Samsung galaxy note 10.1 android 4.0.4 where it works fine, and Samsung galaxy note 10.1 2014 edittion android 4.4.2 where it fails.

I'm sensing this has something to do with SELinux set in enforced. I can't change it what so ever. I've tryed everything on the net besides reflashing a new kernel and changing image.

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