dimanche 4 janvier 2015

[Q] Tried to Root w/ TWRP, didn't work. topic


So I Tried to root my newly acquired I717, using this method
"How To: Root AT&T Galaxy Note i717 Jelly Bean 4.1.2 " on You Tube by mooneyb123
I tried on my macbook but I wouldn't recognize the note in Jodin. So I used my Fiances pc.

I had to install keis as the video did not mention that., But it did instal TWRP, which is awesome, But when I tried to instal the CWM-SuperuserSU-v0.94 file nothing happens, it appears to work fine and says successful but when I reboot and check for Root its not rooted.

I've tried this 4 times now.
I don't know what to do next

I want to root to get rid of the ATT bloatware, and possibly overclock. I might try a stable rom like padawan later but I mainly just want to root. Is their any way to do it with TWRP? or am I going to have to go another route?

Also can I odin CWM on or do I need to wipe the device to factory first. The main thing is I don't want to brick it as I am using the phone daily.
I tried what I thought would be the "easiest" looking way to root, but since it didn't work, I need some advice.
How do i get it back to stock recovery If its not rootable? I am running 4.1.2.
I did upgrade soon after I got the device but am wondering If I could have rooted it easier on the original version of android.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

is their any way I can do it with

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