dimanche 4 janvier 2015

[Q] Kindle FIre HDX Thor soft Brick? topic


So I somehow got Amazon to rollback my device to, I then rooted my kindle, put safestrap on it, backed everything up, and installed the Nexus Rom. Now everything was going great, until I saw the CM rom for Kindle FIre HDX. I thought "Hey, everyone loves Cyanogenmod" and on the forum it said it added support for safestrap, but apparently not. I flashed it (AFTER I BACKED EVERYTHING UP.) Then safestrap said "Fail" and it instasntly rebooted. Now My kindle will boot, stay there for around 5 seconds, then turn off and boot again, and bring me to a screen that says "Kindle Fire System Recovery". ADB will not recognize it no mattter what I do, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, because whenever I'm in command prop in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools" in CMD and I run "adb shell" it returns "No devices" I would really like to get my kindle back. If worst comes to worst I can send it back to amazon, but it would be easier to see if I can fix it. Thank you for all your answers ahead of time. Oh and please do not tell me to "google it" because that's what I've been doing for the last 4 hours. Thanks!

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