lundi 5 janvier 2015

[Q] XBMC Movie Streaming Issues topic


I'm pretty pleased with XBMC installed on my Fire TV, but it's not without its issues. For one, despite having a hard-wired 18mbps Internet connection, movies seem to pause a lot. I often have to stop, let it buffer a while, then resume. This happens with 1080p movies, 720p, occasionally even SD movies. (I think the wife is about to chuck my FireTV out the window.) But sometimes, playback is totally fine, and I'll watch a 1080p movie from start to finish with no hiccups. So is it the source file, or why do I sometimes have issues? I have no trouble at all streaming iTunes movies from my Apple TV. (Haven't tried an Amazon movie yet.) Is there a way to tweak the FireTV for better streaming performance?

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