mercredi 24 décembre 2014

battery/charging issue?? topic


I recently purchased an n9005 (note 3) second hand. Everything was fine except it looked like the charging module was on the way out. It wasn't inclined to charge at all with the usb3.0 connector and I had to wedge the usb2.0 connector at an angle. ordered up a replacement charging module - and swapped it out.

All good ...or so I thought!

A few weeks later and the phone shows as 'charging' but it may or may not be charging in reality! I always leave it charging overnight - but now I simply don't know whether I'll wake up to it being completely flat or charged.

I'm not at all sure whats at play here - but it's definitely not the same problem as I had with the charging module. There's no necessity to have the cable inserted at an angle or anything like that.

other than confirming that, I'm at a loss as to what's at play. Could it be some sort of android issue...or....could the battery itself be on the way out?

Any troubleshooting steps or suggestions would be very welcome.

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