jeudi 11 décembre 2014

[MOD] Possible compatible audio mod topic


Okay so I came from the HTC M7 and our resident super hero zeroinfinity made an amazing sound mod for the phone (now known as ERA). I'd been trying to replicate some of the stuff myself and got some progress but decided to nandroid and try installing ERA on this phone. I think it was a success! Give it a try (nandroid just in case) and let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I didnt ask zeroinfinity about this whatsoever. Neither of us are responsible for anything haha. Please give him props and donations on all his hard work!

Now, how did I do it?

1. Download newest version here
2. In recovery (after nandroid) install the zip and in aroma choose m8/e8 variants then AOSP.
3. Restart and enjoy!

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