Please, i need your advice
I have an asus fonepad 7 (fe375cg) it has Intel Atom Z3560 ((really beast))
running android 4.4.2
i don't know if asus will launch lollipop for it or not
so here is my question
how difficult is building a lollipop rom for my asus fonepad 7(fe375cg)
is it very hard or just imposible ?
my nowlage in devloping is too low
but i will learn if it possible.
asus has put the Kernel Source Code on its website for download (a zip file about 100 Mb )
contains folders named ( linux : kerenel , moduduled

does this Kernel Source Code will make bulding lollipop rom easier ?
or it will only works on kitkat?
and they put also the firmware
a 1Gb zip file contains (META-INF . Recovery , system , boot.img , splashscreen.img , fastboot.img .... )
thank you.
Please, i need your advice
I have an asus fonepad 7 (fe375cg) it has Intel Atom Z3560 ((really beast))
running android 4.4.2
i don't know if asus will launch lollipop for it or not
so here is my question
how difficult is building a lollipop rom for my asus fonepad 7(fe375cg)
is it very hard or just imposible ?
my nowlage in devloping is too low
but i will learn if it possible.
asus has put the Kernel Source Code on its website for download (a zip file about 100 Mb )
contains folders named ( linux : kerenel , moduduled
does this Kernel Source Code will make bulding lollipop rom easier ?
or it will only works on kitkat?
and they put also the firmware
a 1Gb zip file contains (META-INF . Recovery , system , boot.img , splashscreen.img , fastboot.img .... )
thank you.
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