samedi 27 décembre 2014

[Q] Wrong Wifi Country Code topic


I have flashed a multitude of ROMs on my tab S 10.5 since getting it last summer. Somewhere along the line my tab S lost its US identity. About 4-5 ROMs back after installing a new ROM I no longer could see wireless N 5 ghz SSIDs.

On KitKat the fix was easy, wifi/advanced and pick the correct region. On Lollipop that option is no longer present under wifi/advanced (at least under CM12 it isn’t).

For Lollipop I am using a multi step process to fix the country code.

It works, but given how often I flash ROMs it is kind of a PITA.

At one point I installed stock Samsung European firmware without realizing it was European until it was too late. Recently I installed stock Samsung US firmware. That did not fix it.

I do a clean flash every time I install ROMs. I am currently running CM 12 ( Bootloader is T800XXU1ANK1.

Any tips on how to fix this permanently so I don’t have to apply the fix every time I flash a ROM would be greatly appreciated.

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