samedi 27 décembre 2014

Screen smashed - need advice topic


Hey, guys. So, what happened is my XT925 fell screen straight down on ceramic tiles and the display just shattered. Well, the glass shattered, all right, but the display seems gone, since it no longer lights up at all, not a single bit of it. I have it connected to my monitor via hdmi and it's still up running and I'm keeping it connected to the PC to keep it up and running for not sure what reason. The digitizer is gone, too, it does not respond to touch anywhere.

The reason it just smashed is the freaking horrible case I got for it which didn't even hold on properly on that side, so there was nothing to hold it from smashing to the floor screen-first. Boy do I now regret going for the cheapest possible case, instead of buying a premium for something that would actually provide some protection to the thing.

Thing is, though, I really love this thing. It has been giving me everything I want from a smartphone for the past few months and I really want to get it fixed. The biggest trouble to this goal is that I live in Serbia, so shipping can cost aaa looot.

First thing that cross my mind, naturally, was looking for a new screen. On ebay I found chinese ones for ~, and some supposedly OEM ones from the US at ~110, but they included the whole front of the case plus a small toolkit, which is awesome, and I would definitely go for that before the chinese one.

But, then, I thought about something else. Finding a bricked XT926M, the HD MAXX, and making a hybrid of the two. I'd use the case, display and the battery of the MAXX and everything else from my phone. Although I'm not sure if all the sensors and the front camera are working (using keyboard to control Lollipop sucks :eek: ), so all the spare parts from the Maxx would be great to have just in case.

Now, problem is I can't find one. Does anyone know where I should look besides ebay? Even there most people are not willing to ship internationally. I can pay via paypal, that's not an issue.

So, in short, my questions are these - can a new whole front of the Razr HD (OEM) be found for less than a 100 bucks? Or where I could find a bricked HD Maxx in a very good condition exterior-wise? Please point me to somewhere, as I'd really love to get the poor thing back together :) And then get a proper case for it.

(Not sure if I should call on someone personally... @iBolski @Zeljko1234 @[] AL [] @bweN diorD @DorianX ?(sorry guys if you consider this spam))

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