jeudi 1 janvier 2015

[Q] C6603 unplug freeze - anyone else get this? topic


Hey guys, long time no see.

Since my super popular forray into baseband modification my girlfriend has had my trusty old xperia Z c6603 until this morning. Of course, the first day of 2015 sets off with a bang.
After unplugging her phone this morning, it locked up. (this happens sometimes, once out of every 10 unplugs) She reset it with volup + power as usual and took a shower. Except today, it doesn't come back on.

This phone has never been rooted. It's had an alternate baseband flashed (of course, lol), and it's been working fine for 2 years. It has no water damage of any kind, and since it's me, you can expect it's in killer shape.

Volup/down + power does nothing at this point. Thinking I'm going to have to go into disassemble as described in other threads to unplug the battery, but that sucks.
Anyone else had this issue?

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