jeudi 1 janvier 2015

[Q] {Q} Xperia S hard break topic


I've really big problem and i hope that here i get sugestion...

1, I try flash new ROM to my phone. I copy ROM to "SD card" but in wrong version.
After this I into Flashtool get new Kernel and new ver. of TWRecovery. Then I go to recovery and star flashing as every time before...

2, But now I'm in bad sittuation. I can only get into recovery... When i want to go to bootloger, i can't. Every time when I go to bootloger from recovery, i'm back in recovery. Every time is phone reaction the same as I hold power up button+vol. up. And I'm only in recovery.
When I want transfer some ROM to phone, I can't. Cose when I Mount USB massstorage I see phone as "Elementary sys device". I have install ABD device drivers...
Changelog I can't get you, cose it's in "SD card"...

3, Please, Show me "the way" out of this sh*t... I use HTC HD2 few years, all time flashing. Now I use Xperia S for 3 yr. All time flashing. But now I'm in a wrong way ind can't get my phone to standby:)
Thank you for answers!

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